The Prix Italia and the special evening with Carlo Conti were a celebration for 100 years of radio and 70 years of television, retracing the history of Rai and its commitment to public service—a responsibility that translates into ensuring a quality, inclusive, sustainable offering suitable for everyone.

Rai Pubblicità shares these values and transforms editorial content into commercial communication opportunities through total video and total audio projects across all devices. For you, this means an increasingly innovative and cross-media offering that includes the best sporting events, live music, sustainability-focused projects and programs, and great cinema.

A Century of Public Service: Between History and Vision

On 6th October, Rai Radio celebrated its 100th anniversary and chose the Prix Italia—the international competition organized by Rai under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic—for the festivities. Rai 1 joined the anniversary with Cento – Un secolo di servizio pubblico, an evening hosted by Carlo Conti live from the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome’s EUR district, which also honoured 70 years of television. Through these grand events, Rai celebrated a century of Italian history and culture, recalling the values, role, and objectives that have always characterized its mission.

Speeding Towards Milan Cortina: Your Brand on Track

The world’s most prestigious ski circuit is part of the journey leading up to the next Winter Olympics. A cross-media offering with full coverage of the event is available for brands that wish to feature in internationally significant sporting events.

Shine Throughout the Show—From Start to Finish

This October and November, boost your brand presence by being part of the live performances of the best Italian artists. For Mahmood and Umberto Tozzi’s events, there are two different commercial opportunities available: the pre-show and the gold package; for the tours of Emma, ​​Tananai and Alessandra Amoroso there is Over the venue, the project that brings together partners, creators and artists to reach even the youngest targets.

A Unique Opportunity to Talk About Sustainability

Ecomondo, the final event of the 2024 Exhibitions and Trade Fairs Project, offers partners a cross-media and integrated strategy designed to boost brand visibility. We help you showcase your presence at the event while fully aligning with the values of green and circular economy.

Maximum Attention and Visibility for Your Brand

The big screen has continued to perform strongly, even during the hottest months of the year, building excitement for the autumn season, which promises a lineup of films set to drive box office success. With prime ad placement positioned just before the film starts, your brand can connect with an ever-growing and highly engaged audience.

WOWnature, Rai Pubblicità and Next14: Together for a Greener Future

Rai 3 aired Opera Verde, the first program dedicated to forest planning. This series, created by WOWnature with the support of Rai Pubblicità and Next14, showcased the commitment to environmental sustainability while reinforcing Rai’s key role in promoting socially relevant topics.


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